
creating Cardstock miniatures and papercraft tabletop gaming acc

  • 73 members
  • 41 posts
  • $3.75/month

Choose your membership

Tier 1, Paper Wizard
 / month

At this tier you recieve a link to download a pdf of this months featured Paper Miniature, as well as previous months features. Patrons also are granted access to the Discord 

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Tier 2, Vellum Barbarian
 / month

The Vellum Barbarian Level will feature all Tier 1, Paper Wizard features, as well as additionally featureing a minimum of 2 additional color options to the base color, an optional blood stained layer where applicable, and an option to print in black and white so you could color your own mini 

Tier 3, Papyrus Cleric
 / month

 The Papyrus Cleric Level will feature all Tier 1, Paper Wizard rewards, all Tier 2, Vellum Barbarian rewards, as well as Variant artwork and colors of miniatures.

Tier 4, Cardboard Paladin
 / month

The Cardboard Paladin Level will feature all Tier 1, Paper Wizard rewards, all Tier 2 Vellum Barbarian rewards, all Tier 3, Papyrus Cleric rewards, as well as a copy of the original Gimp File layers for editing however they see fit, and coming up with their own modifications.

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